Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Decision to Cut Sugar Out

My decision to quit sugar was a rather easy decision. I have struggle with my weight for most of my adult life and sugar is one of those unnecessary elements in our food these days.

Seriously, you look around and everything has some type of sugar in it, apple sauce is sweetened with it. What happened to good old fashioned apple sauce? 

I actually went off of sugar before, about 2 years ago. It was sugar and wheat I totally took out of my diet. I went cold turkey on both of it. It lasted about three weeks because I didn't allow my body any type of sugar whatsoever, even the natural sugar we get from wheat. I wore an elastic band around my wrist and every time I had a sugar craving or wanted bread I would flick myself with elastic, inflicting pain upon myself. I associated pain with sugar/wheat cravings.

I literally lived off of chicken salads and my hair was starting to fall out in clumps after week 2. I am pretty sure my body was going into shock from not getting any nutrients other than greens and chicken. I was substituting any multi-vitamin for the loss of nutrients.

I actually craved one day and broke down crying because I wanted a piece of toast so bad. I was an angry wreck from restricting my body so much.   

This time I am taking myself off of sugar in a different way. I am still eating fruit, one serving a day and I am eating whole grains because I no longer eat white bread. My body right now is craving sugar but I know this will pass. I don’t fear that I am doing this in an unhealthy way because the only thing I am cutting out is sugar; I have no worry that my hair is going to fall out. I do know that I will probably be cranky for a few days while my body starts to realize it has no sugar entering it but in the end I will be healthier for it.

A few people have questioned my motives, is it a good idea, are you sure you can do it, why would you want to do that?  What I have realized is no matter what you do in life people are going to question your motives. It is best to keep a supportive group around you and let the non supportive people go.

I have no intentions of harming myself this time, rather making a choice that will help me be healthier and a better runner, in turn a better me.


  1. Girly girl. I feel crazy for saying this but I think I want to join you in this quest. Except I eat more fruit than that. But I have a bad chocolate habit and I eat random sugary things all the time. I hope I can join you in kicking sugar in a healthy way!!

  2. I usually eat a lot of fruit too, but in talking with my dietician we have decided that I will see better results if I cut my fruit intake down to 1 a day. After we will re-add it.
    I am happy you are joining me!!! =) I love sugar so this is a mighty quest for me!
