Friday, August 10, 2012

Determine to Succeed

We are now 65 days away from the Nike Women's Marathon and my training has been going fantastic.

It's been a roller coaster ride. I have had ups and downs. I have had runs I have hated and runs I have loved. I think most people go through that in anything they do. When I look back on the week I am always happy I did what I did and I am impressed with myself for pushing through.

One area I have been faltering is in my diet. Coming from years of having an eating disorder I struggle to eat enough food. Some days I feel super weak and tired after my day is through and some days I feel awesome.

To correct this I have started eating protein shakes with fruit, Greek yogurt and protein powder. I love them. I have them with breakfast and they make me feel great, without feeling totally weight down. These have really helped me get more calories into my body.

I have been bad lately. Like really bad. Two weeks ago I sat down and ate a small Hawaiian pizza all by myself and I was still hungry afterwards. This week I ate KFC twice, like the chicken, the chicken wings and popcorn chicken. 

I have made a pledge to get control of my eating. 

I have spent much of these past 13 days watching the Olympics and I remember when I had an Olympic dream. I made a lot of sacrifices. I would go months at a time without eating sugar, refined carbs, red meat. I ask myself why can't I do it now. I have pledged to train like an Olympian again. Really in all reality your body doesn't need those things. Your body can live without sugar, refined carbs and red meat. We have just become so accustomed to having it that our bodies think we need it.

I am going to eat clean, get proper sleep, hydrate like it's nobody's business (even if that means going to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so). This is my time to shine and why shouldn't I prepare for this Marathon like I would prepare for a swim meet. It might not bring me Olympic glory but it sure will bring me Tiara glory. I am determined to succeed. I am determined to do well. I am determined to make this my best race ever.

Happy Training   

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