Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Training and Nutrition

Your pre-training nutrition is important to top up your energy for the workout ahead, it doesn't matter if that is a short track workout, a long run even a gym weight workout you need to make sure you have proper nutrition while training. 

There are several important considerations for the pre-workout meal:

Hydrate: Drink fluids throughout your day and be sure to drink at least a half liter to a full liter (two to four cups) of fluid starting four hours before your workout. You want to make sure that dehydration doesn't set in. Even being a little dehydrated could have a negative effect on your workout.

Choose carbohydrate rich foods: Carbohydrates should comprise the main part of your pre-training meal. Carbohydrates found in foods such as grains, cereals, breads, fruits and veggies are easy to digest, provide energy for your working muscles and top up your blood sugar.

Small amount of protein 2-4 hours before training: In order to sustain energy and fullness, add a source of protein such as meat, poultry, seafood; peanut butter; yogurt/milk, cottage cheese or eggs. Be cautious with the amount of protein you intake before a workout excessive amounts of protein are not ideal if you only have a short amount of time before your workout since protein is slow to digest and may feel heavy in your stomach or cause cramping or bloating. In taking large amounts of protein before your race wouldn't be a good idea.

Avoid high-fat foods: Fat is very slow to digest and won't top up your muscle fuel. In your pre-training meal skip high-fat foods such as chocolate, chips, fries, greasy burgers, and cream soups. These probably aren't the best for you anyways so my advice is to stay away from these all together as they don't do anything for your body.

Watch high-fiber foods: While small amounts of fiber are ok, be aware that fiber is slow to digest and may cause stomach upset during a workout without enough time to properly digest. My rule of thumb with fiber is the same as protein 2-4 hours before I workout I will intake fiber but any closer and I stear away from it.

Timing before your workout: The less time you have, the smaller the amount of food you should take in. If you have two or more hours before exercising eat a high carbohydrate meal that is low in fat and has a small amount of protein. If you have less than an hour before your workout stick with a small snack that is mostly carbohydrate. Normally I try to eat 6 small meals a day and this helps with my workouts. 

Sample meal ideas for 2 or more hours before training

  • Smoothie with fruit, unsweetened juice and yogurt, milk or protein powder.
  • Hot/cold cereal, milk/yogurt and fruit.
  • Toast, banana, and peanut butter.
  • Toast, egg(s) and juice.
  • Sports bar - my favorite are Luna Bars or Macrobars and .
  • Sandwich with turkey/roast beef/ham and veggies.
  • Pasta with tomato sauce and a small amount of meat.
  • Chicken noodle or vegetable soup with crackers and flavoured tuna.
  • Cottage cheese and canned fruit with a bowl of oatmeal.
  • Pasta salad with low-fat dressing, chicken breast and veggies.
Happy Training!!

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