Friday, June 22, 2012

Scale vs. Tape Measure, what works best for me

For much of my life I have been a slave to the scale. Every morning I would stand in front of it and know that my day would be determined by what that number said. If it was low I would have the best day and be super happy, if it was high I would be super depressed and let it ruin more than just one day.

Even when I was a competative swimmer I allowed to the scale to define who I was.
About 5 months ago I took a stand!! I decided that the scale would no longer define who I was it could no longer tell me if I was beautiful or not because a number on a scale cannot determine that.

Today I am registering the lowest I have ever been since I stopped swimming, but does that matter to me. I would be lying if I said no. It still makes me happy to see the number dropping, but there are other things  that are more important to me than a number on a scale. To name a few:
  • I am comfortably wearing a 26 pant size. I haven't worn a 26 jean since in a long time.
  • I have a dress in my cloest that I couldn't even zip up 6 weeks ago, last week I wore it comfortably to my nieces graduation, it went on without a struggle.
  • I can run 13 miles and still have energy in me to do Nike Training Club
  • I am getting faster. A route that used to take me 35 minutes to do now takes me just a little over 30.
  • I am healthy and happy.
In my personal opinion I don't think people should weight themselves all the time. That number doesn't take into account your muscle that is taking over the fat. Your muscle will take up less space than the fat in your body. The scale can say the same number for weeks but you might fit into your jeans a lot better than you could a month ago, I think that is a bigger accomplishment than weighing in at 120 pounds.

I have began measuring myself on a weekly basis. I measure my neck yes this has changed, my biceps they got smaller at first than started getting bigger with muscle, my forearm, my thighs, my calves, my hips they have also gotten smaller, my waist also getting smaller. Sometimes I'll see a few inch change in a week but see no change on the scale at all. I've started getting more excited over the measuring tape than the scale.

Seriously, your scale can't tell your bone mass or your organ mass (yes your organs have a mass).

If you are looking to lose weight, look to lose inches instead. Invest in a journal, and measuring tape and write down your measurements, measure your neck, calves, thighs, hips, waist, biceps, and forearms. You'll see changes that a scale can't tell you.

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